April Update 1

Hi! Here's the first April Update, with a short video of what I've been working on!

This one's not quite as flashy as the first intro video, but it is introducing the very basics of Gossip for the player - Ask questions, use Chat skills to increase your chances of getting an answer, and then Blab the Secrets you've learned for special effects. I wanted to introduce these elements one by one before throwing them all together for more complicated Gossips in the next section of the game, so this little scenario gives you them one by one.

This is what I've been working on for the past 2 weeks, and a load of technical tweaks under the hood. I still need to add in the scenes that connect the previous video to this one, with the Petal Knights coming home from their introductory adventure and then heading into school, as well as the Gossip scenario that follows this one. Still, that's a couple of important intro pieces complete and significant progress towards the next demo!

Thank you for reading!

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