March Update 2

Hi! Here's the second March update, this time with video!

This sprint I've been focusing on polishing off this introductory sequence, so I thought a video would be a good way to show it off. This is the first 5 minutes of the next demo, introducing the characters and the setting and the basic elements of combat. I'm a little worried that it'll be frustrating to play since a lot of it is cutscenes, but I've tried to break these up with moments of control so that it feels alright for the player. Probably won't know for sure until it's actually in players' hands though.

I've dithered a little on some of the vocab in the game. I changed "Fairies" to "Sìth", because I thought it'd be too confusing to have "Fairies" the people, and "Faerie" the place. I'd been calling the baddies "Youma", as in Sailor Moon, but settled on "Fanes" now - another term for fairies in Scottish folklore. Not 100% set on these (typing the accented "ì" in "Sìth" is a huge pain!) but think they're an improvement on the old ones.

This is portion is looking good enough for now so next sprint it'll be on to more Gossip work again to show off the other portion of gameplay.

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